114 PARADISE LOST. Boox. IV, Or undiminiffi'd brightnefs, to be known As when thou floodft in heav'n upright and pure : That glory then, when thou no more waft good, Departed from thee ; and thou refetnbleft now Thy fin, and place of doom, obi-cure and foul. 840 But come, for thou, before, limit give account To him who fent us, whole charge is to keep This place inviolable, and theft: from harm. So fpake the Cherub, and his grave rebuke, Severe in youthful beauty, added grace Invincible : abaffi'd the devil flood, And felt how awful goodnefs is, and law Virtue in her (live how lovely, law and pin'd His lots : but chiefly to find here obferv'd His Nitre vifibly impaled ; yet feem'd 85o Undaunted. lf I muff contend, faLd he, Beft with the bell, the fender not the fent, Or all at once ; more glory will be won, Or lefs be loft. Thy fear, Paid Zephon bold, Will Pave us tryal what the leaft can do Single againft thee wicked, and thence weak. The fiend reply'd not, overcome with rage ; But like a proud fteed rein'd, went haughty on, Champing his iron curb: to drive or fly He held it vain ; awe from above had quell'd 86o His heart, not elfe difmay'd. Now drew they nigh The weftern point, where thole half rounding guards Juit met, and doting flood in fquadron Awaiting next command ; to whom their Chief, Gabriel, from the Front thus call'd aloud. 865 0 friends, I hear the tread of nimble feet Haling this way, and now by glimpfc difcern Ithuriel 345 sss