BooK IV. PARADISE LOST. /19 In counterpoife ; now ponders all events, Battels and realms : in thefe he put two weights The tequ,:l each or parting, and of fight ; The latter quick up flew, and kick'd the beam : Which Gabriel fpying, thus befpake the fiend. boos Satan, I know thy firength, and thou knowli mine, Neither our own but giv'n : what folly then To boaft what arms can do, fince thine no more Than heav'n permits, nor mine, though doubl'd now To trample thee as mire : for proof look up, ioio And read thy lot in yon celeftial fign, [weak, Where thou art weigh'd, and fhown how light, how If thou refift.-The fiend look'd up, and knew His mounted fcale aloft : nor more; but fled Murm'ring, andwith him fled the fhades of night. tors THE END OF THE FOURTH BOOK. T H E