BOOK V. PARADISE LOST. 125 If none regard : heav'n wakes with all his eyes, Whom to behold but Thee, nature's defire ? 45 In whofe fight all things joy, with ravishment Attra&ed by thy beauty flill to gaze. I rote as at thy call, but found thee not : To find thee I direded then my walk ; And on, methought, alone I pafs'd thro' ways That brought me on a fudden to the Tree Of interdicted Knowledge : fair it feetn'd, Much fairer to my fancy than by day : And as I wondring look'd, betide it flood One fhap'd and wing'd like one of thole from Heav'n By us oft feen : his dewy locks 56 Ambrofia ; on that tree he alto gaz'd ; And 0 fair plant, Paid he, with fruit furcharg'd ! Deigns none to eafe thy load and Nile thy fweet, Nor God, nor Man ? Is knowledge fo delpis'd ? 6o Or envy, or what referee forbids to tatte ? Forbid who will, none shall from me with-hold Longer thy offer'd good : why elfe let here ? This laid he paus'd not, but with vent'rous arm He pluck'd, he tailed : me damp hoiTor chill'd 65 At inch bold words, vouch'd with a deed fo bold. But he thus, overjoy'd, 0 fruit divine ! Sweet of thy felf, but much more fweet thus crop'd ! Forbidden here, it feerns, as only fit For Gods, yet able to make Gods of men : 70 And why not Gods of men, fince good the more Communicated, more abundant grows, The author not impair'd, but honor'd more ? Here, happy creature, fair Angelic Eve ! Partake thou alfo : happy though thou art, 75 Happier thou may'll be, worthier calla not be : Taile this, and be henceforth among the Gods Thy felf a Goddefs, not to earth contin'd, But