13o PARADISE LOST. BOOK V. Fruitlefs embraces : or they led the vine 215 To wed her elm ; the fpous'd, about him twines Her marriageable arms, and with her brings Her dow'r th' adopted clutters, to adorn His barren leaves. Them thus employ'd beheld With pity heav'e's high King, and to Him call'd 220 Raphael, the fociable fpirit, that deign'd To travel with Tobias, and fecur'd His marriage with the feventimes wedded maid. Raphael, laid He, thou hear'll what ftir on earth Satan, from hell fcap'd thro' the darkfome gulf, 225 Hath rais'd in Paradife, and how diflurb'd This night the human pair, hew he defigns In them at once to ruin all mankind : Go therefore, half this day as friend with friend Converfe with Adam, in what bow'r or shade 23o Thou find'ft him from the heat of noon retir'd, To refpite his day-labor with repaft, Or with repoie : and fuch difcourfe bring on, As may advife him of his happy ftate, Happinefs in his pow'r left free to will, 235 Left to his own free will ; his will though free, Yet mutable : whence warn him to beware He fwerve not too fecure. Tell him withal His danger, and from whom ; what enemy Late fall'n himfelf from heav'n, is plotting now 240 The fall of others from like Rate of blifs : By violence ? no, for that (hall be withftood ; But by deceit and lies ; this let him know, Left wilfully tranfgreffing, he pretend Surprifal, unadmonith'd, unforewarn'd. 245 So fpake th' Eternal Father, and fulfill'd All juttice nor delay'd the winged faint After