132 PARADISE LOST,. Boole. V, And colors dip'd in heav'n : the third, his feet Shadow'd from either heel with feather'd mail, Sky-tinatur'd grain. Like Maia's fon he flood, 285 And (hook his plumes, that heav'nly fragrance fill'd The circuit wide. Strait knew him all the bands Of Angels under watch ; apd to his flate, And to his meffage high in honor rife ; For on fome meffage high they guefs'd him bound. 290 Their glitt'ring tents he pafs'd, and now is come Into the blifsful field, through groves of myrrh, And flow'ring odors, caffia, nard, and balm ; A wildernefs of fweets for nature here Wanton'd as in her prime, and plaid at will 295 Her virgin-fancies, pouring forth more fweet, Wild above rule or art ; enormous biifs ! through the fpicy foreft onward come Adam difcern'd, as in the door he fat Of his cool bow'r, while now the mounted fun 300 Shot down direct his fervid rays to warm [needs :) Earth's inmofl womb, (more warmth than Adam And Eve within, due at her hour prepar'd For dinner favoury fruits, of tafle to pleafe True appetite, and not difrelifh thirfl 305 Of neaarous draughts between, from milky ftreams, Berg or grape; to whom thus Adam call'd. Halle hither Eve, and worth thy fight behold Eaftward among thole trees, what glorious fhape Comes this way moving ; feems another morn 310 Ris'n on mid-noon; fome great behell from heav'n To us perhaps he brings, and will vouchfafe This day to be our gueft. But go with fpeed, And what thy flues contain, bring forth and pour Abundance, fit to honor and receive 31 Our heav'nly 1tranger well we nay afford Our