434 PARADISE LOST. BooKV. Mean while our primitive great fire to meet 350 His god-like gueiI, walks forth, without more train Accompany'd than with his own complete Perfections ; in himfelf was all his Rate : More folemn than the tedious pomp that waits On Princes, when their rich retinue long 355 Of horfes led, and grooms befmear'd with gold Dazzles the crow'd, and lets them all agape. Nearer his prefence Adam though not aw'd, Yet with fubmils approach, and reverence meek, As t' a fuperior nature, bowing low, 360 Thus Paid. Native of heaven ! (for other place None can than heaven fuch glorious fhape contain) Since by defcending from the Thrones above, Thole happy places thou hall deign'd a while To want, and honor thefe, vouchlafe with us 365 Two only, who yet by fov'reign gift poffels This fpacicus ground, in yonder shady how'r To reit ; and what the garden choicelt bears To fit and tafle, till this meridian heat Be over, and the fun more cool decline. 370 Whom thus th' Angelic Virtue anfwer'd Adam, 1 therefore came, nor art thou fuch Created, or fuch place hail here to dwell, As may not oft invite, though fpirits of heav'n, To vifit thee : lead on then where thy how'r 375 O'erfnades ; for thefe mid-hours, till ev'ning rife 1 have at will. So to the fylvan Lodge They came, that like Pomona's arbor fmil'd With flowrets deck'd, and fragrant linens : but Eve Undeck'd, lave with her Pelf more lovely fair 38o Than Wood-Nymph, or the fairelt Goddels feigu'd Of three, that in mount Ida naked ficove, btuod t' entertain her guell from heav'n : no veil She