Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK V. PARADISE LOST. Not burden'd nature, fudden mind arofe In Adam, not to let the occafion pats, Giv'n him by this great conference, to know Of things above this world, and of their being Who dwell in heav'n e whole excellence he faw Tranfcend his own fo far, whole radiant forms, Divine effulgence ! whole high pow'r, fo far Exceeded human ; and his wary fpeech Thus to th' empyreal minifter he frarn'd. Inhabitant with God ! now know I w'1l Thy favour, in this honor done to man ; Under whole lowly roof thou haft vouchfaf'd To enter, and thefe earthly fruits to tafte, Food not of Angels, yet accepted fo, 465 As that more willingly thou could'ft not feem At heav'n's high leafis t' have fed : yet what compare To whom the winged Hierarch reply'd. O Adam ! one Almighty is, from whom All things proceed, and up to him return, 470 If not deprav'd from good, created all Such to perfection, one firft matter all, Indu'd with various forms, various degrees Of fubflance, and in things that live, of life But more refin'd, more fpiritous, and pure, 475 As nearer so him plac'd, or nearer tending, Each in their feveral alive fpheres aflign'd ; Till body up to fpirit work, in bounds Proportion'd to each kind. So, from the root Springs lighter the green fialk ; from the,,ce, the leaves More wry ; laft, the bright confummate flow'r 481 Spirits odorous breathes ; flow'rs, and their fruit, (Man's nouriihment) by gradual feale fublim'd, To vital fpirits afpire, to animal, U To 137 455 460