J50 PARADISE LOST. Boole V. That golden fceptre which thou didft reje&, Is now an iron rod, to bruife and break Thy difobedience. Well thou did( advife ; Yet not for thy advice, or threats, I fly Thefe wicked tents devoted ; left the wrath Impendent, raging into fudden flame D flinguifh not : for loon expel to feel His thunder on thy head, devouring fire I Then who created thee lamenting learn, When who can uncreate thee thou (halt know. 890 895 So fpake the Seraph Abdiel, faithful found Among the faithlefs, faithful only He : Among innumerable falfe, unmov'd, Unthaken, unfeduc'd, unterrify'd, His loyalty he kept, his love, his zeal : 903 Nor number, nor example with him wrought To fWerve from tru.h, or change his confront mind Though fingle. From amidit them forth he pais'd, Long way through hoftile fcorn, which he futtain'd Superior, nor of violence fear'd ought : 905 And, with retorted (corn, his back he turn'd On thofe proud tow'rs, to fwift deftrudion doom'd. THE END OF THE FIFTH BOOK.