BooKVI. PARADISE L OS T. Of ten-fold adamant, his ample fhield, A valt circumference ! At his approach The great Arch-Angel from his warlike toil Surceas'd ; and glad, as hoping here to end Intel-line war in heav'n, th' arch-foe fubdu'd, Or captive drag'd in chains, with hoftile frown, 260 And vifage all inflam'd, fira thus began. Author of evil I unknown till thy revolt, Unnam'd in heav'n, now plenteous, (as thou fedi) Thefe ads of hateful flrife; hateful to all, Though heavieft (by juft tneafure) on thyfelf, 26.5 And thy adherents : how haft thou difturb'd Heav'n's bleffed peace, and into nature brought Mifery, uncreated till the crime Of thy rebellion! how haft thou inflill'd Thy malice into thoufands, once upright 270 And faithful, now prov'd falfe! But think not here To trouble holy reit ; heav'n calls thee out From all her confines: heav'n the feat of Brooks not the works of violence and war, Hence then ! and Evil go with thee along, 275 Thy offspring, to the place of evil, hell; Thou and thy wicked crew ! there mingle broils ; E'er this avenging (word begin thy doom, Or form more ludden vengeance, wing'd from God,' Precipitate thee with augmented pain, 280 So fpake the Prince of Angels : to whom thus The adverfary. Nor think thou with wind Of aery threats to awe, whom yet with deeds Thou canft not. Haft thou turn'd the leaft of thefe To flight, or if to fall, but that they rife 283 Unvanquilh'd, eafier to tranfaa with me, That thou fliouldft hone, Maperious! and with threats To