Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK W.. PARADISE LOST. 16$ Was giv'n him temper'd fo, that neither keen Nor folid might refift that edge : it met The fword of Satan, with fleep force to fmite D.-fcending, and in half cut fheer ; nor flaid, 325 But with fwift wheel reverie, deep entring That'd All his right fide : then Satan firft knew pain, And wriih'd him to and fro convolv'd ; fo fore The griding fword with difcontinuous wound Pafs'd thro' him : but the ethereal fubaance clos'd, 330 Not long divifible ; and from the gafh A firea,n of neaarous humor iffuing flow'd, Saoguine (loch as celeaial fpirits may bleed,) And all his armor flain'd, e'er while fo bright. ForthwiJ1 on all fides to his aid was run 335 By Angels many and ftrong, who interpos'd Detente ; while others bore him on their fhields Back to his chariot ; where it flood retir'd From off the files of war : there they him laid Gnafhing for anguifh, and defpite, and (ham; 340 To find himfelf not rnatchlefs, and his pride Humbled by fuch rebuke, fo far beneath His confidence to equal God in power. Yet loon he heal'd ; for fpirits hat live throughout Vital in every part, (not, as frail man, 345 In entrails, heart or head, liver or.reins) Cannot but by annihilating die: Nor in their liquid texture mortal wound Receive, no more than; can the fluid air : An heart they live, all head, all eye all ear, 350 All intelle&, all fenfe ; as they pleafe, They limb themselves, and color fhape and fize Affume, as likes them bell condenfe or rare. Mean while in other parts like deeds deferv'd Memorial, where the might of Gabriel fought, 33.5 And