170 PARADISt LOST, BOOK VI. Vanguard to right and left the Front unfold ; That all may fee who hate us, how we Peek Peace and compofure, and with open breaft 56o Stand ready to receive them, if they like Our overture, and turn not back perverfe ; But that I doubt : however witnefs heav'n ! Heav'n witnefs thou anon ! while we difcharge Freely our part : ye who appointed (land, Do as you have in charge, and briefly touch What we propound, and loud that all may hear. So fcoffing in ambiguous words, he fcarce Had ended ; when to right and left the Front D:vidcd, and to either Flank retir'd : 57° Which to our eyes difcover'd, new and firange ! A triple mounted row of pillars, laid On wheels (for like to pillars molt they feem'd, Or hollow'd bodies made of oak, or fir, With branches lop'd, in wood or mountain fell'd) S75 Brafs, iron, ftony mold ; had not their mouths With hideous orifice ggp'd on us wide, Portending hollow truce : at each behind A Seraph (toed, and in his hand a reed Stood waving tip'd with fire ; while we fufpenfe, 580 Collected flood within our thoughts amus'd Not long ! for fudden all at once their reeds Put forth, and to a narrow vent apply'd With niceft touch ; immediate in a flame, 584 (But loon ohfcur'd with fmoke) all heav'n appear'd From thole deep-throated engines belch'd, whole roar- Embowell'd with outragious noife the air, And all her entrails tore ; difgorging foul Their devilifh glut, chain'd thunderbolts, and hail Of iron globes, which on the viCtor hoft 59e) Leven], with fuch impetuous fury (mote, That