172 PARADISE LOST. Boox.VI. Had need from head to foot well underfland ; Not undfilloocl, this gift they have betides, They (hew us when our foes walk not upright.- So they among themfelves in pleafant vein Stood (coifing, heighten'd in their thoughts beyond All doubt of vi&ory : Eternal Might 630 To match with their inventions they prefum'd eafy, and of his thunder made a feorn, And all his ho( derided, while they flood A while in trouble: but they flood not long ; Rage prompted them at length, and found them arms Againft fuch hellifh mifchief fit t' oppofe. 636 forthwith (behold the excellence, the pow'r Which God bath in his mighty Angels plac'd !) Their arms away they threw, and to the hills (For earth bath this variety from heav'n 640 Of pleafure fi:uate in hill, and dale) Light as the light'ning glimpfe they ran they flew, From their foundations loos'aing to and fro, They pluck'd the kilted hills, wi:h all their load, Rocks, waters, woods, and by the (baggy tops 645 Up-lifting bore them in their hands. Amaze, Be lure, and terror, feiz'd the rebel hal, When coming towards them, fo dread they law The bottom of the mountains upward tutn'd Till on thole curled engines' triple-row 65o They taw them whelm'd, and all their confidence Under the weight of mountains bury'd deep: Thernfelves invaded next, and on their heads Mun promontories flung, which in the air 654 Came fhadowing, and oppreft whole legions arm'd : Their armour help'd their harm, crulli'd in and bruis'd Into their fubflance pent, which wrought them pain Implacable, and many a dolorous groan ; Long 625