BOOK VI. PARADISE LOST. 173 Long ftrugling underneath, e'er they could wind Out of fuch prifon, though fpirits of purefl light: 660 (Pureft at firft, now grofs by finning grown) The reit in imitation to like arms Betook them, and the neighb'ring hills up tore : So hills amid the air encounter'd hills, Hurl'd to and fro with jaculation dire : 665 That under ground they fought in dilmal thade ; Infernal noite ! war feem'd a civil game To this uproar; horrid confulion heap'd Upon confufion role. And now all heav'n Had gone to wrack, with ruin over-fpread, 670 Had not th' Almighty Father, where he fits Shrin'd in his fan6tuary of heav'n fecure, Confulting on the turn of things, forefeen This tumult, and permitted all, advis'd That his great purpofe he might fo fulfil, 675 To honor his Anointed Son, aveng'd Upon his enemies, and to declare All pow'r on him transfer'd ; whence to Hs Son, (Th'Affeffor of His Throne) He thus began. 0 Effulgence. of My Glory, Son belov'd, C8o Son in whote face invifible is beheld Vifibly, what by Deity I am ; And in whole hand what by decree I do, Second Omnipotence ! two days are pall, (Two days, as we compute the days of heav'n) 685 Since Michael and his Pow'rs went forth to tame Thefe difobedient : fore hath been their fight, As hkelieft was, when two fuch foes met arm'd For to themfelves I left them, and thou know'a, Equal in their creation they were form'd, 690. Save what fin bath impair'd, which yet hath wrought Jnfenfibly, for I fufpend their doom : Whence