474 PARADISE LOST. Booic Nir4: Whence in perpetual fight they needs muft !aft Endlefs, and no folution will be found. 'War wearied bath perform'd what war can do, 6 ests And to diforder'd rage let loofe the reins, With mountains as with weapons arm'd; which makes Wild work in heav'n, and dangerous to the main. Two days are therefore pail, the third is Thine ; For Thee I have ordain'd it; and thus far 700 Have fuffer'd that the glory may be Thine Of ending this great war, fence none but Thou Can end it. Into Thee fuch virtue, and grace ltpmenfe, I have transfus'd, that all may know In heav'n and hell Thy pow'r above compare : 705 And this perverfe commotion govern'd thus, To manifeft Thee worthie(l to be Heir Of all things; to be Heir, and to be King By facred unaion, Thy deferved right. Go then Thou Mightieft in Thy Father's might ! 710 Afcend my chariot, guide the rapid wheels That fbake heav'n's balls, bring forth all My war, My bow and thunder, My Almighty arms Gird on, and fword upon Thy putfrant thigh. Purfue thefe Ions of darknefs, drive them out 715 From all heav'n's bounds, into the utter deep : There let them learn, as likes them, to dcfpife God, and Meffiah His anointed King. He Lid, and on His Son with rays dire& Shone full, he all His Father full expreft, 720 Ineffably into his face receiv'd: And thus the filial Godhead anfw'ring fpake. 0 Father, 0 Supreme of heav'nly Thrones, Firft, Higheft, Hardt, Belt ! Thou always feek'lt To &rifle Thy Son, I always Thee, 725 As