BooK,VI: PARADISE LOST. As is moil juft : this I my glory account, My exaltation, and my whole delight, That Thou in Me well pleas'd, declar'II Thy will Fulfill'd, which to fulfill is all My bldg. bceptre and pow'r, Thy giving I ::flume; 730 And gladlier (hall refign, when in the end Thou (halt be all in all, and I in Thee For ever ; and in Me all whom Thou lov'ft : But whom Thou hat'(I, I hate, and can put on Thy terrors, as I put Thy mildnefs on, 735 Image of Thee in all things : and (hall foon, Arm'd with thy might, rid heav'n of thefe rebell'd ; To their prepar'd ill manfion driven down To chains of darknefs, and th' undying worm ; That from Thy jull obedience c,uld revolt, 740 Whom to obey is happinefs entire. Then than Thy faints untnix'd, and from th' impure Far feparate, circling Thy holy mount Unfained Hallelujahs. to Thee fing, Hymns of high praife, and I among them Chief. 745 So laid, He o'er his fceptre bowing, rote From the right hand of glory where he fat : And the third facred morn began to (hine, [found Dawning through heav'n. Forth rufh'd with whirlwind The chariot of Paternal Deity, 750 Flafbing thick flames, wheel within wheel undrawn, It felf initind with fpirit, but convoy'd By four Cherubic (haloes; four faces each Had wondrous ; as with flars, their bodies all, And wings, were let with eyes ; with eyes, the wheels Of beril ; and careering fires between : 756 Over their heads a chryflal firmament ; Where, on a faphir throne, (inlaid with pure Amber, and colors of the thos,vry arch) 175