x78 PARADISE LOST BOOK VI, At once the Four fpread out their harry wings, With dreadful (bade contiguous, and the orbs Of His fierce chariot rowl'd, as with the found Of torrent floods, or of a numerous holt. 830 He on His impious foes right onward drove, Gloomy as night : under His burning wheels The fledfatt empyrean (hook throughout ; All but the throne it felt of God. Full loon Among them He arriv'd ; in His right hand 835 Grafping ten thoufand thunders, which He fent Before Him, filch as in their fouls infix'd Plagues : they attoniflfd, all refiaance All courage ; down their idle weapons dropp'd O'er fhields, and helms, and helmed heads He rode 84o Of Thrones, and mighty Seraphim profit-ate; That with'd the mountains now might be again Thrown on them, as a fhelter from His ire. Nor lets on either fide tempeftuous fell His arrows, from the fourfold. vilag'd Four, 845 Diflint with eyes ; and from the living wheels Diftind alike with multitude of eyes ; One fpirit in them rui'd, and every eye Clar'd lightning, and (hot forth pernicious fire Among th' accurft, that wither'd all their firength, 85o And of their wonted vigor left them drain'd, Exhaufted, fpiritlefs, afflided, fall'n. Yet half His firength He put not forth, but check'd His thunder in mid-volly ; for he meant Not to deftroy, but root them out of heav n. 855 The overthrown He rais'd, and as a herd Of goats, or tim'rous flock, together throng'd, Drove them before Him thunder-ttruck, purfu'd With terrors, and with furies, to the bounds And chryaal wall of heav'n ; which op'ning wide 86o Rowl'd inward, and a fpacious gap difclos'd Into