Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

MILTON's PARADISE LOST": I N TWEt VE BOOKS: BOOK VII. DESCEND from heav'n, the Urania! by that name If rightly thou art call'd ; whofe voice divine Following, above th' Olympian hill I boar Above the flight of Pegafean wing. The meaning, not the name I call : for thou 5 Nor of the Mules nine, nor on the top Of old Olympus dwell'it ; but heav'nly born, Before the hills appear'd, or fountain flow'd, Thou with Eternal Wifdom didit converfe, Wifdom thy fitter, and with her didft play iatt In pretence of th' Almighty Father, pleas'd With thy cceleftial fong. Upled by thee, Into the heav'n of heav'ns, I have prefum'd, (An earthly guefi) and drawn empyreal air, Thy