Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK VII. PARADISE LOST. 18s Of all tafles elfe to pleale their appetite, Though wandring.-He, with his conforted Eve, The (tory heard attentive, and was fiil'd With admiration, and deep mule, to hear Of things fo high and orange ; things to their thought So unimaginable, as hate in heav'n, And war Co near the peace of God in blifs, 55 With fuck confuflon: but the evil loon, Driv'n back, redounded, as a flood, on thole From whom it fprung ; impoffible to mix With bleffednefs. Whence Adam loon repeal'd The doubts that in his heart arofe: and now 6o Led on, yet fiolefs, with defire to know What nearer might concern him, how this world Of heav'n and earth conipicuous &ft began; When, and whereof created ; for what caufe ; What within Eden, or without, was done Before his memory (as one whole drouth Yet fcarce allay'd, (till eyes the current (}ream, Whole liquid murmur heard, new thirft excites.) Proceeded thus to alit his heav'nly gueft. Great things, and full of wonder in our ears, 70. Far diff'ring from this world, thou haft reveal'd Divine interpreter ! by favor fent Down from the empyrean, to forewarn Us timely of what might elfe have been our lots Uoknown ; which human knowledge could not reach For which to th' Infinitely Good we owe 76 immortal thanks, and His admoniihment Receive, with folemn purpofe to oblerve Immutably His fovereign will, the end Of what we are. But fince thou hail vouchfaf'd 8o Gently, for our inftrudion, to impart Things above earthly thought (which yet concern'd C c Our