Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

xE6 PARADISE LOST. BOOK VII* Our knowing, as to Higheft Wifdom feem'd) Deign to detcend now lower, and relate (What may no lets perhaps avail us known) How first began this heav'n which we behold DiStant fo high, with moving fires adorn'd Innumerable; and this which yields or fills All fpace, the ambient air wide interfus'd, Itribracing round this florid earth ; what caufe 90 Mov'd the Creator, in his holy reit Through all eternity, fo late to build In Chaos : and the work b,gun, how coon Abfolv'd, if unforbid thou mav'tt unfold What we, not to explore the secrets afk 95 Of his eternal empire, but the more To magnify his works, the more we know. And the great light of day yet wants to run Much of his race, though deep, fuipenfe in heav'n Held by thy voice; thy potent voice he hears, ioo And longer will delay, to hear thee tell His generation, and the riling Birth Of nature from the unapparent Deep : Or if the liar of ev'ning, and the moon Halle to thy audirnce, night with her will bring 105 Silence; and fieep, lening to thee, will watch ; Or we can bid his abfence, 'till thy tong End, and dilmils thee e'er the morning thine. Thus Adam his illufirious gueft befought ; And thus the Godlike Angel anfwei'd mild. Y to This alto thy requefi, with caution afled, Obtain : though to recount Almighty walks, What words, or tongue of Seraph, can futlice ! Or heart of man fuffice to comprehend ! 115 Yet what thou can'ft attain. (which belt may ferve TO