Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox. VII. PARADISE LOST: '187 To glorify the Maker, and infer Thee alio happier) (hall not be with-held Thy hearing: fuch Cornmiffion from above I have receiv'd, to anfwer thy dt fire Of knowledge within bounds : beyond abftain 120 To afk, nor let thine own inventions hope Things nor reveal'd, which the invifible King, Only omnifcient, hath fuppreft in night ; To none communicable in earth or hcav'n : Enough is left befides to fearch and know. I25 But kiowledge is as food, and needs no lefs Her temperance over appetite, to know In mcafure what the mind may well contain; Oppreff.-s elfe with turfeit, and loon turns Witdom to folly, as nouriffiment to wind. 13© Know then, that after Lucifer from Heav'n (So call him, brighter once amidft the hoft Of Angels, than that (tar the flats among) Fell with his flaming legions through the deep Into his place, and the Great Son return'd Vidorious with his Saints, th' Omnipotent Eternal Father from his throne beheld Their multitude, and to his Son thus fpake.: At leaft our envious foe bath fan], who thought All like himfelf rebellious, by whole aid 140 This inacceffible high ftrength, the feat Of Deity fupreme, (us difpoffeft) He trufted to have feis'd, and into fraud Drew many, whom their place knows here no more: Yet far the greater part have kept, I fee,< 145 Their Ration ; heav'n, yet populous, retains Number fufficient to poffefs her realms, Though wide; and this high temple to frequent With 135