Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

IBS PARADISE I.,t)$T, Bowe VII, With minifieries due and folemn rites. But let his heart exalt him in the harm 'so Already done, to have difpeopled heav'n, (My damage fondly deem'd !) I can repair That detriment, if fuch it be, to lofe Self- loll; and in a moment will create Another world ; out of one man, a race 155 Of men innumerable, there to dwell, Not here : 'till by degrees of merit rais'd, They open to themfelves at length the way Up hither ; under long obedience try'd : 159 And earth be chang'd to heav'n, and heav'n to earth, One kingdom, joy, and union without end. Mean, while inhabit lax, ye pow'rs ot heav'n And thou my Word, begotten Son ! by Thee This I perform, (peak thou, and be it done. My overfhadowing Spirit and Might with Thee 165 I fend along : ride forth, and bid the Deep Within appointed bounds, be heav'n and earth: Boundlefs the Deep, becaufe I AM who fill Infinitude, nor vacuous the fpace, Though 1, uncircumfcrib'd My fell, retire 17o And put not forth my goodnefs ; which is free To ad or not : Need-Fay and Chance Approach not Me, and what I will is Fate. So fpake th' Almighty, and to what he, fpake Word, the Filial Godhead, gave effed. 175 immediate are the as of God, more fwift Than time or motion ; human ears Cannot without procels of fpeech be told ; So told, as earthly notion can receive. Great triurni_ h and rejoicing was in heav'n, iSo When Inch was heard declar'd th' Almighty's will ; Glory they lung to the Molt High ! good will To