Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox VII. PARADISE LOST. 189 To future men, and in their dwellings peace : Glory to Him ! whole juft avenging ire Had driv'n out th' ungodly from his fight, 1[85 And th' habitations of the juti : to Him Glory and praife I whole wifdorn had ordain'd Good out of evil to create ; inftead Of tpirits malign, a better race to bring Into their vacant room, and thence diffule 190 His good to worlds, and ages, infinite. So fang the Hierarchies. Mean while the Son On his great expedition now appear'd, Girt with Omnipotence, with radiance crown'd Of Majefty Divine : fapience and love 195 Immenfe, and all His Father in Him (hone. About His chariot numberlefs were pour'd Cherub, and Seraph, Potentates, and Thrones, And Virtues : winged fpirits, and chariots wing'd, From th' armory of God, where tland of old 200 Myriads between two brazen mountains lodg'd Againft a folemn day, harnefi'd at hand, CcElettial equipage ! and now came forth Spontaneous (for within them fpirit liv'd) Attendant on their Lord : heav'n open'd wide 205 Her ever-during gates, harmonious found On golden hinges moving, to let forth The King of Glory, in His pow'rful Word, And Spirit, coming to create new Worlds. On heav'nly ground they flood, and from the [pore 210 They view'd the vaft immeafurable Abyis, Outragious as a lea, dark, wafteful, wild ; Up from the bottom turn'd by furious winds, And furging waves, as mountains, to afrault Heav'n's height, and with the centre mix the Pole 215 Silence