Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

9O PARADISE LOST: Boot< VII. Silence ye troubled waves, and thou Deep, peace I Said then th' Omnific Word, your difcord Nor flak' ; but, on the wings of Cherubim Up. lifted, in Paternal Glory rode Far into Chaos, and the world unborn; 220 For Chaos heard His voice. Him all His train FolLw'd in bright proceffion, to behold Creation, and the wonders of his might. Then ftaid the fervid Wheels, arc in his hand He took the golden compaffes, prepar'd 22$ In God's eternal (tore, to circurnfcribe This Univerfe, and all created things; One foot he center'd, and the other turn'd R: and through the vaft profundity oblcure ; And laid, thus far extend, thus far thy bounds, 230 This be thy juft circumference, 0 world I Thus God, the heav'n created, thus the earth; Matter unform'd and void ! Darknefs profound Cover'd th' Abyfs ; but on the watry calm 234 His brooding wings the Spirit of God out-fpread, And -flu.' virtue infus'd, and vital warmth Throughout the fluid mats; but downward purg'd The black, Tartarcous, cold, infernal dregs, Adverfe to life: then founded, then conglob'd Like things to like ; the reft to feveral place 240 Difparted ; and between, fpun out the air ; And earth felf-ballanc'd on her centre hung. Let there be light I. laid God ; and forthwith light Ethereal, firft of things, quinteffence pure, Sprung from the deep : and from her native eaft, 245 To journey through the aery gloom began, Sphear'd in a radiant cloud; (for yet the Sun Was