Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox VII. PARADISE LOST. Was not) (he in a cloudy tabernacle Sojourn'd the while. God law the light was good ; And light from darknefs by the hemllphere - 250 Divided: light the day, and darknefs night He narn'd. Thus was the fira Day Ev'n and Morn : Nor .paa uncelebra(ed, nor unfung By the cceleftial quires. when orient light Exhaling fira from darknels they beheld; 255 Birth-day of heav'n and earth ! with joy and fhout, The hollow univerfal orb they fili'd ; And touch'd their golden harps, and hymning prais'd God and his works, Creator him they lung, 259 Both when firt Ev'ning was, and when firlt Morn. Again, God laid, let there be firmament Amid the waters, and let it divide The waters from the waters ! and God made The firmament expanfe of liquid pure, Tianfparent, elemental air, diffus'd 265 In circuit to the uttermoa convex Of this great round : partition firm and lure, The waters underneath from thofe above Dividing : for as earth, fo he the world Built on circumfluous waters calm, in wide 270 Chryitalline ocean, and the loud mifrule Of Chaos far remov'd ; lea fierce extremes Contiguous, might diflemper the whole frame: And heav'n He nam'd the firmament: fo -Ev'n And Morning Chorus lung the fecond day 275 The earth was form'd, but in the womb as yet Of waters (embryon immature) involv'd, Appear'd not : over all the face of earth Main ocean flow'd; not idle, but with warm Prolific humor foft'ning all her globe, 28o Fer-