Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boole VII; P ARAD'S E- re, 0 S 2. Her univerial face with pleafant green. Then herbs of every leaf; that fudden flowr'd 0,/ning their various colors, and made gay Her hofom fmelling Tweet. And Ihefe fcarce blown, Forth flourith'd thick the cluliring vine, forth crept The smelling gourd, up flood the corny reed 321 Embattll'd in her field ; and the humble Ihrub, And bulb, with frizl'd hair implicit. Laft, Role, as in dance, the aately trees, and fpread 324. Their branches hung with copious fruit ; or gemm'd Their bloffoms: with high woods the hillswere crown'd; With tufts the wallies, and each fountain fide, With borders long the rivers : that, earth now Seem'd like to heav'n; a feat, where Gods might dwell, Or wander with delight, and love to haunt 330 Her facred fhades: though God had yet not rain'd Upon the earth, and man to till the ground None was: but from the earth a dewy miff Went up, and water'd all the ground, and each Plant of the field ; which, e'er it was in the earth, God made, and ev'ry herb, before it grew 336 On the green aem : God law that it was good. So Ev'n and Morn recorded the Third Day. Again the Almighty fpake : Let there be lights High in the expante of heaven, to divide 340 The day from night : and let them be for figns, For leasons, and for days, and circling years ; And let them be for lights, as I ordam Their office in the firmament of heav'n To give light on the earth I-and it was Co. 345 And God made two great lights (great for their ufe To man) the greater to have rule by day, 1-pe leis by night, alterne ; and made the flail ; And fet them in the firmament of heav'n, D d T' illuminate