Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

I 4 PARADISE LOST. 1300K VII. T' illuminate the earth, and rule the day, 350 In their viciffitude, and rule The night; And light from darkners to divide. God law, SurvvIng his great work, that it was good : For of ccelatial bodies fita, the fun (A mighty 1phere !) He frarri'd ; unlightfome firti, Tho' of ethereal mold : then, form'd the moon, 355 Globofe ; and ev'ry magnitude of liars ; And fow'd with liars the heav'n, thick as a field. Of light by far the greater part he took, Tranfplanted from her cloudy fhrine, and plac'd 6o In the fun's orb, made porous to receive And drink the liquid light, firm to retain Her gather'd beams, great palace now of light Hither, as to their fountain, other (tars Repairing, in their golden urns draw light ; 365 And hence the morning planet gilds his horns : By tincture, or refletion, they augment Their fmall peculiar, though (from human fight So far remote) with diminution Peen. Pint in-his eaft the glorious lamp was feen, 370 Regent of day ; and all th' horizon round Invefied with bright rays, jocund to run His Longitude through heav'n's high road : the gray Dawn, and the Pleiades before him danc'd, Shedding fweet iufluence. Lets bright the moon, But oppofite in levcl'd well was let, 376 His mirror, with full face borrowing her light From him, for other light fhe needed none In that afped ; and Hill that diftance keeps 'Till night ; then in the eaft her turn fhe fhines, 380 Revolv'd on heav'n's great axle, and her reign With thoufand leffer lights dividual holds, With thoufand thoufand liars ! that then appear'd Spangling the hemilphere ; then fiat adorn'd With