Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK VII. PARADISE LOST. 195 With their bright luminaries, that fet and rofe 385 Glad Ev'ning and glad Morn crown'd the Fourth Day. And God faid, let the waters generate Reptile, with fpawn abundant, living foul! And let fowl fly above the earth, with wings Difplay'd on th' orn Firmament of heav'n 1 390 And God created the great whales, and each Soul living, each that crept, which plenteoufly The waters generated by their kinds : And every bird of wing after his kind: And Paw that it was good, and blefs'd them, Paying, Be fruitful, multiply, and in the feas 396 And lakes, and running areams, the waters fill; And let the fowl be multiply'd on th' earth. Forthwith the Sounds, and teas, each creek and bay With Fry innumerable (warm, and thoals 40© Of fifh, that with their fins and alining fcales G-;ide under the green wave in Sculls, that oft Bank the mid-Pea ; part tingle, or with mate, Graze the Pea-weed their patture ; and thro' groves Of coral iiray ; or, fporting with quick glance, 405 Shew to the fun their wav'd coats, drop'd with gold: Or, in their pearly {hells at eafe, attend Moift nutriment ; or under rocks their food, In jointed armor, watch : on fmooth, the Seal, And bended dolphins play 7, part, huge of bulk ! 410 Wallowing unweildy, enormous in their gait Tempeft the ocean : there Leviathan, Hugeft of living creatures, on the Deep Stretch'd like a promontory, fleeps or fwims : And Teems a moving land, and at his gills 415 Draws in, and at his trunk fpouts out a Pea. Mean while the tepid caves, and fens, and fhores, Their brood as numerous hatch from di' egg, that foon Burning