Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

196 PARAIHSE LOST. BOOK -VII, Bur fling with kindly rupture, forth-difclos'd There callow young; but feather'd loon, and fledge, 426 They funirn'd their pens ; and (oaring the air f ubliwe, With clang delpis'd the ground, under a cloud In profpeet ; there, the eagle, and the ilork, On cliffs and cedar tops their eyries build Part, loofly wing the region ; part, more wife 425 In common, rang'd in figure wedge their way; Intelligent of teaions, and let fon h Their aery caravan, high over leas Flying, and over lands, with mutual wing Ealing their flight ; (leers the prudent crane 430 Her annual voyage) born on winds, the air Floats, as they pals, fann'd with unnumbeed plumes. From branch to branch the fmaller birds with long Solac'd the woods, and fpread their painted wings 'Till ev'n ; nor then, the folemn nightingale 435 Ceas'd warbling, but all night tun'd her loft Lays. Others, on flyer lakes and rivers bath'd Their downy breaft ; the fwan, with arched neck Between her white wings mantling proudly, rowes Her (late with oary feet : yet oft they quit 44P The dank, and riling on fliff pennons, tour The mid aereal ay. Others, on ground Walk'd firm ; the crefied cock whole clarion founds The fluent hours ; and the other, whole gay train Adorns him, color'cl with the florid hue 445 Of rainbows, and furry eyes. The waters thus Wi(h fifh replenitli'd, and the air with fowl, Ev'ning and morn Iolemniz'd the Fifth Day. The fixth, and of creation Nil, aroCe With ev'ning harps and matin ; when God Paid, 450 Let th' earth bring forth fowl living in her kind, Cattle, and creeping things, and beatt of th' earth, Each