Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BooxVIT. PARADFSE L OS T; 197 Each of their kind !-The earth obey'd ; and ftrait Op'ning her fertile womb, teem'd at a birth Innumerous living creatures, perfed forms, 455 Limb'd and full grown. Out of the ground up-rote As from his lake, the wild beaft, where he wons In foreft wild, in thicket, brake or den : Among the trees in pairs they role, they walk'd ; The cattle in the fields, and meadows green : 46c) Thole rare and folitary, thefe in flocks Pal-luring at once, and in broad herds up-fprung. The graft' clods now calv'd, now half appear'd The tawny lion, pawing to get free 464. His hinder parts; then fprings as broke from bonds, And rampant fliakes his brinded mane : the Ounce, The libbard, and the tiger, (as the mole Riling) the crumbl'd earth above them threw In hillocks : the fwift flag from under ground Bore up his branching head : fcarce from his mould 470 Behemoth (biggeft born of earth) up-heav'd His vat-I:nth ficec'd the flicks, and bleating, rote, As plants : ambiguous between lea and land, The river-horfe, and fcaly crocodile. At once came forth whatever creeps the ground, 475 lilted or worm : thofe wav'd their limber fans, For wings ; and fmalleti lineaments exad In all the liveries deck'd of fummer's pride, (pots of gold, and purple, azure and green : There, as a line, their long dimenfion drew, 480 Streaking the ground with finuous trace : not all Minims of nature ; fome of lerpent-kind, Wondrous in length and corpulence, involv'd Their fnaky folds, and added wings. Firft crept The parfimonious emmet, provident 485 Of future, in (mall room large heart inclos'd ! 'Pattern of juft equality perhaps Here-