Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

"198 PARADISE LOST. BooK.VII. Hereafter, joined in her popular tribes Of commonalty.) Swarming next, appear'd The female bee, that feeds her hufband drone 490 Delicioufly, and builds her waxen cells With h9ney itor'd. The reit are numberlefs, And thou their natures know'fl, and gave them names, Needlefs to thee repeated : nor unknown The ferpent (fubtleft beaft of all the field) 495 Of huge extent fometimes, with brazen eyes And hairy mane terrific, though to thee Not noxious, but obedient at thy call. Now heav'n in all her glory flione, and rowl'd Her motions, as the great Firfl-Mover's hand Soo Firft wheel'd their courfe ; earth in her rich attire Confummate lovely fmil'd ; air, water, earth, By fowl, fifh, beafl, was flown, was fwum, was walk'd Frequent ; and of the fixth Day yet remain'd. There wanted yet the Mailer-work, the end 5°5 Of all yet done ; a creature, who not prone, And brute as other creatures, but indu'd With fandity of reafon, might eret His ftature, and upright with front ferene Govern the tell, Pelf-knowing; and from thence 510 Magnanimous, to correfpond with heav'n ; But grateful to acknowledge whence his good Deicends, thither with heart, and voice, and eyes Direded in devotion, to adore And wor "hip God Supreme, who made him chief 515 Of all His works : therefore th' Omnipotent Eternal Father (for wileie is not He Prefent ?) thus to His Son audibly fpake. Let us make now Man in our image, Man our fimilitude, and let them rule 520 Over