toox VII. PARADISE LOST. Over the fifh, and fowl, of fea and air, Beall of the field, and over all the earth, And ev'ry creeping thing that creeps the ground ! This laid, He form'd thee, Adam, thee 0 Man Duft of the ground; and in thy noftrils breath'd 525 The breath of life : in His own image He Created thee, in the image of God Expreis, and thou becarn'ff a living foul. Male He created thee, but thy confort Female, for race : then blefs'd mankind, and laid ;5 3Q Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, Subdue it, and throughout dominion hold Over fifh of the fea, and fowl of th' air, And ev'ry living thing that moves on th' earth, Where-ever thus created, for no place 535 Is yet diftina by name. Thence (as thou knowlt) He brought thee into this delicious grove, This garden ; planted with the trees of God ; Dele6table both to behold and tafle : And freely all their pleafant fruit for food 54° Gave thee (all forts are here that all th' earth yields, Variety without end I) but of the Tree, Which taffed works Knowledge of Good and Evil, Thou may'it not : in the day thou eat'it, thou dy'ft : Death is the penalty impos'd, beware ! 545 And govern well thy appetite, left Sin Surprife thee, and her black attendant Death. 199 Here finifh'd He, and all that He had made View'd, and behold ! all was entirely good ; So Ev'n and Morn accomplifh'd the Sixth Day : 550 Yet not 'till the Creator from His work Defiling, though unwearied, up return'd; Up to the heav'n of heav'ns, His high abode, Thence