Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

toox VII. PARADISE LOST. Over the fifh, and fowl, of fea and air, Beall of the field, and over all the earth, And ev'ry creeping thing that creeps the ground ! This laid, He form'd thee, Adam, thee 0 Man Duft of the ground; and in thy noftrils breath'd 525 The breath of life : in His own image He Created thee, in the image of God Expreis, and thou becarn'ff a living foul. Male He created thee, but thy confort Female, for race : then blefs'd mankind, and laid ;5 3Q Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, Subdue it, and throughout dominion hold Over fifh of the fea, and fowl of th' air, And ev'ry living thing that moves on th' earth, Where-ever thus created, for no place 535 Is yet diftina by name. Thence (as thou knowlt) He brought thee into this delicious grove, This garden ; planted with the trees of God ; Dele6table both to behold and tafle : And freely all their pleafant fruit for food 54° Gave thee (all forts are here that all th' earth yields, Variety without end I) but of the Tree, Which taffed works Knowledge of Good and Evil, Thou may'it not : in the day thou eat'it, thou dy'ft : Death is the penalty impos'd, beware ! 545 And govern well thy appetite, left Sin Surprife thee, and her black attendant Death. 199 Here finifh'd He, and all that He had made View'd, and behold ! all was entirely good ; So Ev'n and Morn accomplifh'd the Sixth Day : 550 Yet not 'till the Creator from His work Defiling, though unwearied, up return'd; Up to the heav'n of heav'ns, His high abode, Thence