Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

200 PARADISE LOST, BOOK VII. Thence to behold this new created world, Th' addition of His empire, how it finew'd 555 In profped from His throne, how good, how fair, Anfwering His great idea : Up he rode Follow'd with acclamation, and the found Symphonious of ten thoufand harps, that tun'd Angelic harmonies : the earth, the air 56o Refounded, (thou remember'(, for thou hearda) The heav'ns and all the conftellarions rung : The planets in their nation lift'ning flood, While the bright pomp afcended jubilant. Open, ye everlaffing gates, they lung, s65 Open, ye heav'ns, your living doors ; let in The Great Creator, from His work return'd Magnificent, his fix days work, a world : Open, and henceforth oft ; for God will deign To vifit oft the dwellings of jut' men, 570 Delighted ; and with frequent intercourfe Thither will fend His winged meffengers, On errands of fupernal grace. So lung The glorious train afcending : He through heav'n, That open'd wide her blazing portals, led 575 To God's eternal houfe dired the way ; A broad and ample road, whole dull is gold And pavement flars, as fiats to thee appear Seen in the galaxy (that milky way Which nightly, as a circling zone, thou feeft 560 Pouder'd with ftars.) And now on earth the Seventh Ev'ning arofe in Eden, for the fun Was iet, and twilight from the call came on, Forerunning night ; when, at the holy mount Of heav'n's high-feated top, th' imperial throne 585 Of Godhead, fix'd for ever firm and flue, The Filial Pow'r arriv'd, and fat him down With his Great Father : for he alfo went