Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boox VII. PARADISE LOST% Invifible, yet Raid (fuch privilege Hath Omniprefence) and the work nrriain'd, 59° Author and end of all things ; and from work Now refting, blefs'd and hallow'd the Sev'nth Day, As refting on that day from all his work : But not in filence holy kept ; the harp Had work and refted not, the folemn pipe And dulcimer, all organs of fweet flop, All founds on fret by thing, or golden wire, Temper'd loft tunings, intermix'd with voice Choral, or unifon : of incenfe clouds, Fuming from golden cenfers, hid the mount ; 6oci Creation, and the Six Days ads, they lung. Great are Thy works, Jehovah, infinite Thy pow'r ! what thought canmeafure Thee, or tongue Relate Thee ? Greater now in Thy return Than from the Giant-Angels : Thee that day 6os Thy thunders magnify'd ; but to create Is greater, than created to deftroy. Who can impair Thee, Mighty King! or bound Thy empire ? Eafily the proud attempt Of fpirits apoilate, and their counfeis vain, 610 Thou haft repell'd ; while impioufly they thought Thee to diminifh, and from Thee withdraw The number of thy worchippers. Who feeks To leffen Thee, againft his purpofe ferves To manifeft the more 'thy might : his evil 6z Thou ufeft, and from thence creat'ft more good. Witnefs this new-made world, another heav'n ! From heav'n-gate not far, founded in view On the clear hyaline, the glafry fea ; Of amplitude almoft immenfe, with flats 620 Numerous, and ev'ry flar perhaps a world Of deflin'd habitation; but Thou know'fl E e