Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

M I L 0 N's PARADISE LOST: I N TWEL VE BOOK S. BOOK VIII. fr HE Angel ended, and in Adam's ear So charming left his voice, that he a while Thought him Hill fpeaking, Rill flood fix'd to hear : Then, as new wak'd, thus gratefully reply'd. What thanks fufficient, or what recompenfe Equal, have I to render thee, divine Hiftorian ? who thus largely haft allay'd The thirft I had of knowledge, and vouchfaf'd This friendly condefcenfion to relate Things, elfe by me unfearchable ; now heard to With wonder, but delight ; and, as is due, With glory attributed to the High Creator. Something yet of doubt remains, Which only thy folution can refolve. When