Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

o6 PARADISE LOS T. Boox VIII. When I behold this goodly frame, this world Of heav'n and earth confitling; and compute `Their magnitudes ; this `earth a fpot, a grain, An atom, with the firmament compar'd, And all her number'd (tars ; that teem to rowl Spaces incomprehenfible, (for fuch 20 Their diftance argues, and their twift return Diurnal) meerly to officiate light Round this opacous earth, this punaual fpot, One day and night ; in all their vaft furvey Ufelefs befides : reafoning I oft admire, How nature, wife and frugal, couldcommit Such difproportions ; with fuperfiuous hand, So many nobler bodies to create, Greater fo manifold, to this one ufe ; (For ought appears) and on their orbs impale Such reflkfs revolution day by day Repeated : while the fedentary earth, (That better might with far leis compafs move Serv'd by more noble than herfelf, attains Her end without leatl motion ; and receives (As tribute, fuch a fumlefs journey brought 01 incorporeal fpeed) her warmth and light ; Speed, to defcribe whole fwiftnefs number fails. So fpake our fire, and by his count'nance feem'a Entring on fludious thoughts abfirufe ; which Eve 40 Perceiving, where the fat retir'd in fight ; With lowlinefs majettic from her feat, And grace, that won who faw to with her 'flay, Role ; and went forth among her fruits and flow'rs, To vifit how they profper'd, bud and bloom, 45 Her puffery : they at her coming fprung, And touch'd by her fair tendance gladlier grew. Yet went the not, as not with fuch difcourte Delighted, 15 35