Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

208 PARADISE LOST, BOOK VIM With centric and eccentric fcribl'd o'er, Cycle and epicycle, orb in orb. Already by thy reafoning this I guefs, Who art to lead thy off-fpring ; and fuppofeft, That bodies bright and greater fhould not ferve The lefs not bright, nor heav'n fuch journies run, Earl.) fitting dill, when the alone receives The benefit. Confider firft, that Great, Or Bright, infers riot excellence : the earth Though, in comparifon of heav'n, fo fmall, Nor glittering, may of folid good contain More plenty than the fun, that barren fhines Whole virtue on it fell works no effed, 95 But in the fruitful earth : there firft receiv'd, His beams (unadive elfe) their vigor find. Yet not to earth are thole bright luminaries Officious, but to Thee, earth's habitant. And for the heav'ns wide circuit, let it fpeak 1 ©o The Maker's high magnificence ; who built So fpacious, and his line ftretcht out fo far ; That man may know he dwells not in his own ; An edifice too large for him to fill, Lodg'd in a (mall partition; and the reft 105 Ordain'd for ufes to his Lord belt known. The fwiftnefs of thole circles attribute, (Though numberlefs) to His Omnipotence ; That to corporeal fubflances could add Speed almoft fpiritual : me thou think'ft not flow, no Who fence the morning-hour let out from heav'n, Where God refides ; and e'er mid-day arriv'd In Eden : difiance inexpreffible By numbers that have name ! but this I urge, Admitting motion in the heav'ns ; to thew 115 Invalid, that which thee to doubt it mov'd Not that 1 fo affirm, though fo it teem