Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

216 PARADISE LOST. BooKVIII. For fuch vaft room in nature unpoirefed By living foul, defert and defolate, Only to thine, yet fcarce to contribute x55 Each orb a glimpfe of light, convey'd fo far Down to this habitable, which returns Light back to them, is obvious to difpute. But whether thus thefe things, or whether not ; Whether the fun, predominant in heav'n, 16o Rife on the earth ; or earth rife on the fun ; He, from the eaft his flaming road begin ; Or fhe, from well her fluent courfe advance, With inoffenfive pace (that fpinning fleeps On her loft Axle, while the paces ev'n, 165 And bears thee loft with the ftnooth air along) Sollicit not thy thoughts with matters hid ; Leave them to God above, Him ferve and fear. Of other creatures, as Him pleales belt, Where-ever plac'd, let Him difpofe : joy thou 17o In what He gives to Thee, this Paradife And thy fair Eve : Heav'n is for thee too high To know what pates there ; be lowly wife Think only what concerns Thee, and thy Being ; Dream not of other worlds, what creatures there i75 Live, in what Bate, condition or degree ; Contented that thus far bath been reveal'd, Not of earth only, but of higheft heav'n, To whom thus Adam, clear'd of doubt, reply'd, flow fully haft thou fatisfy'd me, pure 180 Intelligence of heav'n, Angel ferene I And freed from intricacies taught to live, The eafieft way ; nor with perplexing thoughts To interrupt the fweet of life, from which God bath bid dwell far-off all anxious cares, 185 And not moleft us, unleis we our felves Seek