Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK VIII. PARADISE LOST. 211 Seek them with wandring thoughts, and notions vain. But apt the mind, or fancy, is to rove Uncheck'd, and of her roving is no end : 'Till warn'd, or by experience taught, file learn, 190 That not to know at large of things remote From ufe, obi-cure and tubtile, but to know That which before us lies in daily life, I the prime Wifdom : what is more, is fume, Or emptine(s, or fond impertinence ; 195 And renders us in things that molt concern Unorat-tis'd, unprepar'd, and (fill to Peek. Therefore from this high pitch let us defcend A lower flight ; and fpeak of things at hand Useful, whence happy mention may arife 200 'Of tomething not unfeafonable to afk, By fuff'rance, and thy wonted favor deign'd. Thee I have heard relating what was done E'er my remembrance : now, hear me relate My (Tory, which perhaps thou haft not heard: 205 And day- is yet not fpent, 'till then thou feeft How lubtly to detain thee I devife, Inviting thee to hear while I relate ; Fond ! were it not in hope of thy reply. For while I fit with Thee, I feern in heav'n, 210 And tweeter thy difcourfe is to my ear Than fruits of Palm-tree (pleafantelt to thirft, And hunger both, from labor) at the hour Of Tweet repalt : they fatiate, and loon fill, Tho' pleafant ; but thy words with grace divine 215 Irnbu'd, bring to their fweetnefs /10 fatiety. To whom thus Raphael anfwer'd heav'nly meek. Nor are thy lips ungraceful, Sire of men ! Nor tongue ineloquent : for God on Thee Abundantly his gifts hath alto pour'd, 220 Inward