Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

213 PARADISE LOST. Boox VIII. Inward and outward both, his image fair. Speaking, or mute, all cornlinefs and grace Attends thee ; and each word, each motion, forms. Nor left think we in heav'n of thee on earth, Than of our fellow- fervant ; and inquire 225 Gladly into the ways of God with Man For God we fee hath honor'd Thee, and let On Man his (-qua] love. Say therefore on; For I that day was abfent, as befel, Bound on a voyage uncouth and oblcure, 230 Far on excurfion toward the gates of hell, Squar'd in full legion, (loch command we had) To lee that none thence iffu'd forth a fpy, Or enemy, while God was in His work, Left He (incens'd at filch eruption bold) 235 Defli uction with creation might have mix'd. Nut that they durft without His leave attempt ; But us He fends upon his high behefis For ftate, as !'oy'reign King ; and to inure Our prompt obedience. Fait we found, fait (hut 240 The difinal gates, and barricado'd ftrong I But long e'er our approaching heard within Norfe, other than the found of dance or long! Torment, and loud lament, and ILL ions rage Glad we return'd up to the coatis of light 245 Sabbath-ev'ning: fo we had in charge. but thy relation now I for I attend, I'leas'd with thy words no lefs than thou with mine. So fpake the God-like Pow'r, and thus our fire. For Mari to tell how human lite began 250 is hard ; for who himfelf beginning knew ? Defire with thee fill longer to converfe me.-As new wak'd from foundeft fleep, Wt on the flow'ry herb 1 found Inc laid, In