Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

1300K VIII. PARADISE L 08 T. 213 In balmy fweat; which with his beams the fun 255 boon dry'd, and on the reeking. moiflure fed. Strait toward heav'n my wondring eyes I turn'd, And gaz'd a while the ample k ; 'till rais'd By quick inftinaive motion, up I fprung, As thitherward endeavouring, and upright 260 Stood on my feet, About me round I law Hill, dale, and fhady woods, and funny plains, And liquid lapfe of murm'ring firearm : by thefe, Creatures that liv'd, and mov'd, and walk'd, or flew ; Bards on the branches warbling ; all things frnil'd : 265 With fragrance, and with joy, my heart o'erflow'd. My ielf I then perus'd, and limb by limb Survey'd, and lometimes went, and fometimes ran With fupple joints, as lively vigor led. But who I was, or where, or from what caufe, 270 Knew not : to fpeak I try'd, and foithwith fpake; My tongue obey'd, and readily could name Whate'er I law. Thou fun faid I, fair light ! And thou enlighten'd earth, fo frerfh and gay ! Ye hills and dales, ye rivers, woods and plains! 275 And ye that live and move, fair creatures ! tell, Tell (if ye faw) how came I thus, how here. Not of my feif-By fome Great Maker then, In goodnefs and in pow'r preeminent. Tell me, how may I knowHim, how adore, 280 From Whom I have that thus I move, and live, And feel that I am happier than I know. While thus I call'd, and ftray'd I knew not whither, From where 1 firfl drew air, and firft beheld This happy light ; when anfvver none return'd, 285 On a green fhady bank profufe of flow'rs Penfive 1 fat me down. There gentle fleep ,Firft found me, and with loft oppreffion feis'd My droufed fenfe, untroubl'd (though I thought I then