Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK VIM PARADISE LOST. 215 4, The pledge of thy obedience and thy faith, 325 CC Amid the garden by the Tree of Life, 4, (Remember what I warn thee !) Ihun to tale, And fhun the bitter confequence ; for know, The day th-)u eatht thereof, my foie command Tranfgreft, inevitably thou (halt dye ; 330 4C From that day mortal : and this happy hate Shalt lofe, expeli'd from hence into a world Of woe and forrow."-Sternly he pronounc'd The rigid interdiaion, which refounds Yet dreadful in mine ear, though in my choice 335 Not to incur: but loon his clear aiped Return'd, and gracious purpole thus renew'd. " Not only thefe fair bounds, but all the earth " To thee and to thy race l give : as Lords it Poffefs it, and all things that therein live, 340 c, Or live in lea, or air, beaft, fifh, and fowl ; c, In fign whereof, each bird, and beah, behold it After their kinds : I bring them to receive " From thee their names, and pay thee fealty With low fubjeaion : underhand the fame 345 4, Of fi.h within their watry refidence, 4, Not hither fummon'd, fiance they cannot change " Their element to draw the thinner air." As thus he fpake, each bird and beaft behold Approaching, two and two; thefe, cow'ring low 350 With blanclifhment ; each bird floop'd on his wing. I natn'd them, as they pafs'd, and underflood Their nature (with fuch knowledge God indu'd My fudden apprehenlion !) but in thefe I found not what me-thought I wanted hill; And to the heav'nly Vifion thus prefum'd. 0 by what name (for thou above all there, Above mankind, or ought than mankind higher, Surpairell 355