Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

-216 PARADISE LOST. Boor Surpaffeft far my naming) how may I Adore Thee, Author of this univerfe, 360 And all this good to man ? For whole well-being So amply, and with hands fo liheral Thou halt provided all things. But with me I fee not who partakes: in folitude What happiners, who can enjoy alone ? 365 Or all enjoying, what contentment find ? Thus I prefumptuous ; and the Vifion bright, As with a Imile more brighten'd, thus reply'd. What call'It thou folitude ? Is not the earth With various living creatures, and the air 370 Replenifh'd, and all thefe at thy command To come and play before thee ? Know'a thou not Their language and their ways ? They alfo know, And reafon not contemptibly : with thefe Find paflime, and bear rule ; thy realm is large. 37s. So fpake the Univerfal Lord, and feem'd So ordering : I, with leave of fpeech implor'd, And humble deprecation, thus reply'd. Let not my words offend Thee, heav'nly Pow'r, My Maker, be propitious while I fpeak 380 Haft Thou not made me here Thy iubtlitute, And thefe inferior far beneath me let ? Among unequals what fociety Can fort, what harmony, or true delight ? Which muff be mutual, in proportion due 385 Giv'n and receiv'd : but in difpariry (The one intenfe, the other (till remits) Cannot well fait with either, but loon prove Tedious alike. Of fellowthip I fpeak Such