Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

218 PARADISE LOST. Boca( VIII. His Tingle imperfedion ; and beget Like of his like his image multiply'd In unity defective, which requires 425 Collateral love, and deareff amity. Thou in thy fecrefy although alone, Beft with Thy felf accompany'd, feek'fl not Social communication : yet, to pleas'd, Cana raife Thy creature, to what height Thou wilt Of union or communion, Dcify'd : 431 I by converting cannot thefe ered From prone, nor in their ways complacence find. Thus I imbolden'd fpake, and freedom us'd Permiffive, and acceptance found ; which gain'd 435 This anfwer from the gracious Voice Divine. Thus far to try thee, Adam, I was pleas'd; And find thee knowing, not of beafts alone, (Which thou haft rightly nam'd) but of thy felf : Expreffing well the fpirit within thee free, 440 My Image, not imparted to the brute : Whole fellowthip therefore unrneet for thee, Good reafon was thou freely fhouldfl diflike; And be fo minded Rill. I, e'er thou fpak'ft, Knew it not good for man to be alone : 445 And no fuch company as then thou iaw'ft Intended thee : for tryal only brought, To fee how thou couldft judge of fit and meet. What next I bring (hail pleafe thee, be affur'd, Thy likeneis, thy fit help, thy other felt, 450 Thy with, exactly to thy heart's defire. He ended, or I heard no more, for now My earthly by His heav'nly overpower'd, :Which it had long Rood under, ttrain'd to th' height In