Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

220 PARADISE LOST. BOOK VIIL This turn bath made amends ; Thou hail fulrill'd Thy words, Creator bounteous and benign ! Giver of all things fair ! but faireft this Of all Thy gifts, nor envi(Jt. I now fee Bone of my bone, flefh of my flefh, my fell 495 Before me : woman is her name, of man Extra fed : for this caufe he (hall forego Father and mother, and t' his wife adhere ; And they (hall be one fleth, one heart, one foul. She heard me thus, and tho' divinely brought, soo Yet innocence, and virgin modefly, Her virtue, and the confcience of her worth, That would be woo'd, and not unfought be won, Not obvious, not obtrufive, but retied, The more deferable : or, to fay all, sos Nature her fell* (though pure of finful thought) Wrought in her fo, that feeing me, the turn'd. I tollow'd her; the what was honor knew, And with obfequious maje-fly approv'd, My pleated reafon.-To the nuptial bow'r .510 I led her blu(hing like the morn : all heav'n, And happy confiellations, on that hour Shed their feleaelt influence : the earth Gave fign of gratulation, and each hill : Joyous the birds ; frefh gales, and gentle airs 515 Whifpeed it to the woods, and from their wings Flung role, flung odors from the ipicy fhrub, Ditporting ! till the amorous bird of night Sung fpoutal, and bid hafte the ev'ning ftar On his hilltop, to light the bridal lamp. 520 Thus I have told thee all my (late, and brought My fury to the fum of earthly blifs, Which I enjoy ; and mutt confets to find In all things die delight indeed, but filch As