Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BOOK VIII. PARADISE LOST. 221 As us'd or not, works in the mind no change, 525 Nor vehement defire ; thefe delicacies I mean of mile, fight, fmell, herbs, fruits, and flow'rs, Wilks, and the melody of birds : but here Far otherwife, traniported I behold, Tranfported touch : here paflion firtt I felt. Commotion ftrange ! in all enjoyments die Superior and unmov'd; here only weak, Againft the charm of beauty's powerful glance. Or nature fail'd in me, and left fume part Not proof enough fuch objet to futtain; 535 Or from my fide fubduding, took perhaps Mare than enough: at leaft, on her bettow'd Too much of ornament ; in outward thew Elaborate, of inward leis exaI. Fur well I underfland in the prime end Of nature, her th' inferior, in the mind And inward faculties, which molt excel: In outward alto her refembling leis His image who made both; and leis expreffing The character of that dominion giv'n 545 O'er other creatures. Yet, when I approach Her lovelinefs, co abfolute the teems And in her felf complete, to well to know Her own; that what the wills to do or fay, Seems wife, virtuoulett, difcreeteft, belt : 550 All higher knowledge in her pretence falls Degraded ; wifdom in difcourfe with her Lofes difcounz'nanc'd, and like folly (hews : Authority and reafon on her wait, As one intended fill, not after made 555 Occafionally : and (to confurnmate all) Greatnefs of mind, and noblenefs, their feat Build in her luvelieft, and create an awe About her, as a guard Angelic plac'd. 530 540 To