Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

222 PARADISE LOST: BooK VIII. To whom the Angel with contraded brow. 56o Accufe not nature, the bath done her part ; Do thou but thine, and be not diffident Of wifdorn: the deferts thee not, if thou Difmifs not her, when molt thou need'it her nigh; By attributing over-much to things 565 Lefs excellent, as thou thy fell perceiv'tl. For what adrnir'il thou, what tranfports thee fo ? An outfide ? fair no doubt, and worthy well Thy cheraing; thy honoring, and thy love ; Not thy fubje6tion, Weigh with her thy fell; 570 Then value: oft-times nothing profits more Than felf-efleem, grounded on jolt and right, Well manag'd : of that fkill the more thou knowit, The mole the will acknowledge thee her head, And to realities yield all her (hews 575 Made In adorn for thy delight the more; So awful, that with honor thou may'ft love Thy mate ; who fees, when thou art feen leart But if the fente of touch, whereby mankind Is propagated, feem fuch dear delight 58o Beyond all other ; think the fame vouchfaf'd To cattel, and each beaft ; which would not be To them made common, and divulg'd, if ought Therein enjoy'd were worthy to tubdue The foul of man, or pafliun in him move. 585 What higher in her fociety thou findft Anradive, human, rational, love ftill: In loving thou dolt well, in paflion not ; Wherein true love coofitis not. Love refines The thoughts, and heart enlarges; hash his feat 590 In reafon, and is judicious; is the fcale By which to heaVnly love thou may'it afcend ; Not funk in carnal pleafure ; for which caufe, Among the heath no mate for thee was found. To