Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

BooKVIII. PARADISE LOST. 223 To whom thus half aba(h'd, Adam reply'd. 595 Neither her out-fide form'd fo fair, nor ought In procreation common to all kinds, (Though higher of the genial bed by far, And with myfterious reverence I deem) So much delights me, as thole graceful ads, 600 Thole thoufand decencies that daily flow From all her words, and actions, mix'd with love, And fweet compliance, which declare unfeign'd Union olmind, or in us both one foul ; Harmony to behold in wedded pair, 6o5 More grateful than harmonious found to th' ear. Yet thefe fubjed not : I to thee difclofe What inward thence I feel ; not therefore foil'd ; Who meet with various objeas, from the fenfe Varioufly reprefenting, ; yet flill free, 6io Approve the beft, and follow what I approve. To love thou blam'fi: me not ; for love thou fayit Leads up to heav'n, is both the way and guide; Bear with me then, if lawful what I alk : Love not the heav'nly Ipirits ? And how their love 615 Exprefs they ? By looks only ? Or do they mix Irradiance, virtual or immediate touch ? To whom the Angel, (with a fmile that glow'd Cceleflial rofy red, love's proper hue) Anfwer'd. Let it fuffice thee that thou know'ft 62o Us happy, and without love no happinefs. Whatever pure thou in thy body enjoy'(}, (And pure thou wert created) we enjoy In eminence : and ohaacle find none Of membrane, joint, or limb, exclufive bars : 625 Eafier than air with air, if fpirits embrace, Total they mix; union of pure with pure Defiring : nor rellrain'd conveyance need,