Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

24. PARADISE LOST. BOOK. VIII. As Beth to mix with flefh; or foul with foul. But I can now no more : the parting fun 63o B yond the earth's green Cape, and verdant ifies, Befperian lets, my fignal to depart. Be firong, live happy, and love! But, &ft of all, HIM, whom to love is to obey, and keep His great command : take heed left paffion (way 635 Thy judgment to do ought, which elfe free will Would not admit : thine, and of all thy ions, The weal or woe in thee is plac'd ; beware ! I in thy perfevering (hail rejoice, And all the blcIt. Stand fall! to (land or fall 64n Free in thine own arbitrement it lies : Perfed within, no outward aid requires, And all temptation to trangrefs repel!. So laying, he arofe: whom Adam thus Foliow'd with benediaion. Since to part ! 645 Go heav'nly guell, ethereal mefTenger, Sent from whole fov'reign goodnefs 1 adore ! Gentle to me, and affable, hath been Thy condefcenli3n, and (hail be honor'd ever With grateful memory : thou to mankind, 650 Be good, and friendly and oft return ! So parted they, the Angel up to heav'n From the thick thade, and Adam to his bow'r. THE END OF THE EIGHTH BOOK.