Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

228 PARADISE LOST; Boole \IX. Of Turnus for Lavinia difefpous'd. Or Neptune's ire, or Juno's, that fo long Perplex'd the Greek, and Cytherea's fon : anfwerable ftyle 1 can obtain 20 Of my cceleftial patronefs, who deigns Her nighty vifitation unimploed, And dictates to me flumbring ; or infpires Eafie my unpremeaitated verfe : Since firft this tubjed for Heroic Song Pleas'd me, long chufing, and beginning late ; Not fedulous by nature to indite Wars, hitherto the only argument Heroic deem'd ; chief maft'ry to diffed With long and tedious havock fabled Knights In battels feign'd : (the better fortitude Of patience, and Heroic Martyrdom, Untung) or to defcribe races, and games, Or tiling furniture, emblazon'd fhields, Impreffes quaint, caparifons, and fteeds ; Bafes, and tinfel trappings, gorgeous Knights At jouff, and (ornament ; then (narfhard feaft, Serv'd up in hall with fewers, and fenefhals The skill of artifice, or office, mean I 'Not that which juffly gives Heroic name To perfon, or to poem. Me (of there Nor skill'd, nor ((tedious) higher argument Remains ; (efficient of itfelf to raife That name, unlefs an age too late, or cold Climate, or years, damp my intended wing Depreft : and much they may, if all be mine, Not hers, who brings it nightly to tny ear. The fun was funk, and after him the liar Of Hefperus, whole office is to bring Twilight upon the earth ((hart arbiter ao 35 45 50 'Twixt