Milton - PR3550 .D77 1777 M1

Boole IX. PARADISE LOST. 229 'Twixt day and night) and now, from end to end, Night's hemifphere had veil'd th' horizon round : When Satan who late fled before the threats Of Gabriel out of Eden, now improv'd In. meditated fraud, and malice, bent 55 On man's deftrution, maugre what might hap Of heavier on himlelf, fearlefs return'd. night he fled, and at midnight return'd Flom comoatiing the earth ; cautious of day, Since Uriel, regent of the fun, detcry'd 6o His entrance, and forewarn'd the Cherubim, That kept their watch : thence full of anguith driv'n, The fpace of fev'n continu'd nights he rode With d';.irknefs ; thrice the equinodial Line He circled ; !four times crofs'd the car ofVight 65 From Pole to Pole, traverling each Colure ; On th' eighth return'd, and on the coat averfe From entrance, or Cherubic watch, by ficalth Found unfufpeded way. There was a place; 69 Now not (tho' fin, not time, firtt wrought the change) Where 'Tigris, at the foot of. Paradife, Into a gulph thot under-ground, 'till part Role up a fountain by the Tree of Life. In with the river funk, and with it rote Satan, involv'd in rifing rnift ; then fought 75 Where to he hid lea he had fearch'd, and land, From Eden over Pontus, and the pool Mx;)tis, up beyond the river Ob : Downward as far Antartic : and in Length, Weft from Orontes, to the ocean barr'd So At Darien : thence, to the land where flows Ganges, and Indus. Thus the urn he roam'd With narrow fearch ; and with infpec:,:tion deep Confider'd every creature, which of all Mott opportune might ferve his wiles ; and found 85 The